
Entry for the 2025 festival is open!
Good Dog! is not for profit and champions storytellers, writers and filmmakers. The festival is a writing and film festival screening engaging films that include a dog held on Sydney Harbour, Australia.
The festival director is Anny Slater - a lawyer, filmmaker, writer and philanthropist. www.slaterslawyers.com www.moondancepictures.com
U.S. MovieMaker magazine named Good Dog! in its list of “Top 10” Coolest Film Festivals in the World in its ‘Out of the Box’ category.

Making A Difference

Share your dog story
With the festival's mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies to tell dog stories. Story Jam is something new for us. It's an energetic live literary performance series which features the personal, true dog stories of everyday people, writers and performers. Our team is working each and every day to bring you a great event in 2025. Contact us to learn more about how you can help.

Helping The Community
At The Good Dog! International Film Festival, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts to recognise and support writers. In 2025, our competition will open once again to short stories, teleplays and short and feature screenplays.

A committment to excellence
Our goal is to celebrate and promote great films that include a dog in the story. Some of the most life affirming films ever made have referenced a dog. Our film competition will return in 2025 and will include short and feature films.
“The festival was a brilliant idea and Molly and I commend you for the huge effort and imagination that it took to get it realised. We have no doubt it will grow year by year just like Glastonbury, Cannes, Sundance. Thanks a lot.”
“Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event and for taking the initiative to even start it. It was great family night out for us and we can’t wait for next year’s festival! Thanks again!”
“What a great night! Thank you so much to everyone who organized this event!! Brilliant idea!”
“Really amazing, thank you so much, my husband and friends loved it as well. Great idea and hope you organize this again next year”
“Thanks again & what a great cause as well!” “Thank you for such a great weekend! ... The dogs were adorable and my friends said they’re going to bring more of their four legged friends next year.”
“I wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic festival opening night on Friday! I really enjoyed the ukulele band with the dog themed songs, red carpet for dogs and the program of films on the night that made us laugh and cry at times. As a community development worker your “plus one” message really struck a chord with me....”
“Congratulations again on the International Good Dog Film Festival... I look forward to seeing it grow!”
“We went this evening and it was fab. Thanks to everyone who organises this Film Festival. A great evening out, and dogs get to go too!”
“Molly and I so enjoyed this we may return on Sunday night”